We need to Work towards a Stronger Future and BUY BRITISH
The main reason we buy from overseas is cost – but in these uncertain times, this may well be false economy.
Here in Britain we invented modern industry, and played a role in countless technological leaps forward since.Many good reasons to Buy British..
We can now see from recent experience that if we buy cheap from overseas we will risk gaps in supply, have long lead times, poor quality, have a lack of guarantees and will need to buy more frequently.
Our region is a hub for high tech engineering and manufacturing and we can be proud of our manufacturing heritage. We have over 20 years of experience in manufacturing our air and dirt separators.
Here at Fabricated we offer 10 year guarantees and top quality products that offer:
- reduced maintenance
- reduced energy costs
- environmentally friendly and recyclable
ultimately offering Reduced Lifecycle costs across the range.
We feel strongly that the industrial sector is the foundation from which to build back from Covid, think of the next generation, the apprenticeships, careers, the investment in our towns and cities which will bring a stronger future.
When we go through the next pandemic – we will be certain to safeguard our goods and services if we BUY BRITISH.
Let’s also not forget Brexit – perhaps this is forgotten in these tricky times – but it is coming!!
We must support our British Manufacturers and help safeguard our future.
Manufacturing can provide solutions to the challenges that we face, something the sector has aptly shown during this crisis with its ability to diversify into the Manufacturing of PPE and sanitiser solutions.